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If you asked me a year ago whether I thought that a worldwide pandemic would emerge in 2020... I probably would have thought that it wasn't possible. So, I guess you could say I was a little bit shocked when I was given the news from my workplace three months ago that I'd be laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time, there weren't too many cases around Canada and Ontario but definitely enough to raise a concern about how quickly it could start to spread. Soon enough, high numbers of Coronavirus cases began to emerge across the world and things began to go into lockdown mode. Lockdown? This was something historical for many of us and unheard of for years and years. So many changes, adjustments, and cautious steps were starting to be taken. We were all getting used to what was becoming a "new normal." People even began to freak out about not having enough toilet paper for the first two weeks, remember that? Well, as much fear and panic can be associated with a health pandemic, I always try to look for the lesson and positives.

(I have to preface that I have been extremely grateful and lucky to have been healthy during these past few months). I feel empathy towards anyone who has contracted coronavirus and suffered through it or lost a loved one due to the virus.

For a vast majority, COVID-19 has left us feeling all sorts of things, but in this article, I will explain why I think that the COVID-19 pandemic is the thing we didn't know we needed to create change around the globe. Here are 10 lessons that COVID-19 has taught us about the lives we lead.


1. SLOWING DOWN: Most of us are always on the go and on a grind bombarded with schedules that leave little to no time for relaxing and recharging. I can speak for myself because being super busy was my "normal" pre-corona lockdown days. When I wasn't at work I would be thinking about work, and on weekends I would book up my time hanging out with family, friends, my boyfriend, or some sort of activity. When the lockdown began many of us didn't know how to respond, because many of us didn't know a life with so much time for relaxation and staying indoors. Soon enough we got used to slowing down and taking our time. These few months have felt so good to not be in a constant rush, take much needed time to relax, and become more present. I'm sure many of us have felt this same benefit.

2. CONNECTING AND RECONNECTING: Connection is so important and one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature. Spending quality time, catching up with an old friend, or reaching out to someone to check-in are all valuable things we've taken for granted. With so much more time on our hands in lockdown, many of us have had time to go back to the basics and really connect with loved ones again. When quarantine began I found myself with more time on my hands to think about friends and family I hadn't spoken to in a while because I was "busy." I finally had the chance to re-connect with old friends and have lengthy phone calls, it was really nice to feel connected again even though we couldn't see each other face to face. I think it's important we all take time out of our days to truly connect, even when life starts to pick up again.

3. MORE HOMEMADE MEALS: Is it just me or did quarantine magically turn us into better cooks? I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm ready to sign up for Masterchef Canada now! All jokes aside- it has been so great to be able to find new recipes and make more homemade meals during the lockdown. I've seen so many lovely recipe creations on Instagram, it even seems like baking bread has become a new favourite. There are so many benefits to cooking at home rather than constantly ordering take out, so in the long run, we'll definitely be better for this new habit and skill!

4. MORE COMPASSION: COVID-19 didn't just affect one part of our world, it literally impacted everywhere around the world. We have all been in this together and I think that has made us feel for each other and relate to one another more than ever. I truly believe that our compassion as humans has really shown up during this time. We are being more careful, kind, and understanding. This is something we need to continuously practice and embody, even when the lockdown is over.

5. GETTING CREATIVE: With so much spare time on our hands, we have had the ability to tap into our creativity again. What I've learned about creativity is that it can show up in many different ways and there are no set of rules. During the lockdown, many of us have had the chance to start new hobbies and take up old hobbies. I recently listened to an audiobook that touches upon the importance of creativity in our lives and how without it, we lack joyfulness. It's important to take the time in our days and weeks to do something that allows us to creatively express ourselves in our own unique ways.

6. PRACTICING PATIENCE: I am probably one of the most impatient people I know. It's really hard for me to wait around or to keep at something for a long period of time without getting bored or giving up. One positive lesson that quarantine has taught me is to practice patience. The word "practice" is key. Change doesn't happen overnight and things aren't getting back to "normal" overnight either. It's important to stay present and remind ourselves that things will slowly get better, and not focus too much on wishing things were different. If we shift our focus to being more patient we will automatically feel more peace and calm in our lives.

7. SELF-CARE: Self-care isn't selfish! It is absolutely necessary. Self-care also doesn't always look like getting our hair and nails done, or hitting up the gym. Sometimes it's having a good cry, having a day or two to do nothing, or taking a long hot shower. Lockdown has taught reminded us that the more we listen to our needs the better we will feel.

8. USING OUR VOICES FOR CHANGE: I've been seeing something pretty amazing happening that I'm sure you've noticed too, advocacy has been on the rise. More and more people are using their voices to speak up against injustice, inequality, and create a sense of urgency for change and a better world. We all have our own unique voice and passions about we believe in, and it's important to educate ourselves and be proactive towards creating positive change. There's a unification happening across the globe that makes me so proud of humanity- we all want the same things, which are peace, love, and equality for all. Lockdown has demonstrated to us that even by being apart we can come together for what matters.

9. APPRECIATING THE LITTLE THINGS: Quarantine united us in a way that we all discovered we aren't so different after all. We value the same things- health, happiness, family, and love. I think for many of us this whole experience has been an eye-opener for what really matters. I have found so much more joy in the everyday little things since I've had the chance to slow down and really appreciate them. Gratitude and appreciation go hand-in-hand and the more we remember to make an effort to be grateful, the happier and enriched our lives will be.

10. BECOMING ADAPTABLE TO CHANGE: Life is unpredictable, we don't really know what next year holds or even tomorrow for that matter. I think it's important that we all learn from this experience to become more adaptable to change. Change doesn't need to be a bad thing, and it all comes down to the perspective we choose to have about the situation at hand. COVID-19 brought upon many changes to the way businesses run, the way we shop, and so much more. Now that we have gone through this together, as hard as it can be, we are now more prepared when more changes come our way and know we can get through that too.

I hope that wherever you are in the world you are keeping safe and taking this time to take care of yourself. I know that sometimes it can be hard to find the good in tough situations, but I hope that this article helped to remind you of the positives that have come out of one of life's biggest curveballs. We are all in this together and we will get through it together. I'll leave you with this quote:

“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” ― Gregory S. Williams

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