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It's OK to Feel Stuck Sometimes

Have you ever felt truly stuck at some point in your life before? Whether it be in a relationship, your career, or even for no reason at all? Well, this just means you are human! You're not alone with how you feel.

The truth is we all get stuck sometimes, and oftentimes during our "stuck-ness" we don't always see a way out. But eventually, there is always a way out of any rut and what now feels dormant in your life will start moving forward again. Lately I've had to remind myself of this truth because I have felt pretty stagnant for about a month now. I know that I am not alone with how I feel, many of us are in a unique situation due to COVID-19. A lot of us haven't been used to being out of a job for so long or not being as "busy" as we once were. I am definitely one of those people who is feeling this big time. What I have come to realize over the past month is just how much I equate my worth to how productive I am. It's actually pretty ridiculous, and now that I am aware of this I am trying to break the pattern. Whenever I feel "lazy" or that I'm "not doing enough," it sets off a trigger in me where I tend to get really hard on myself and start to feel purposeless.

Here is my current situation, and maybe you can relate:

In March I was temporarily laid off from my job.

I have been looking for an apartment for my sister and I to live in and got rejected three times due to the competition of the market and currently being out of work.

I have been waiting to hear back from my current job but the timeline is uncertain.

I have hit some creative blocks and have sometimes felt like my days all feel the same, repeating themselves and meshing together.

So with all this going on I hit a wall where I feel stuck. I share all this because I want to let you know that even if you're trying your best to stay motivated, positive, and be in action, sometimes it's okay to take a few days and do nothing at all and reflect. When we're stuck, we don't always have the solution to feel better or transform our situation right away and that's OK. For a few days this week I let myself cry if I needed to, take a couple naps, disconnect from social media, get outside, and spend some quality time with my boyfriend. I would normally feel guilty for not being "productive" with my time and doing things for me, but I put that thought aside and reminded myself that this is what I needed. If you're in a similar situation I suggest you try doing the same. Put a couple of days, or even a week outside to nourish yourself and recharge. Try to also practice gratitude and write down what there is to be thankful for in your life on a daily basis, this is truly a game-changer. By doing this simple act you'll soon become aware of just how many little things we bypass that are actually amazing things!

You are not alone in your situation and you can revisit your situation with a new solution or approach after you've taken good care of yourself first. Whenever this stuck feeling comes up in your life it's important to go back to the basics. What are the things that put you in a better mood? Who can you speak to that brings you joy? What can you do for yourself? These are important questions to ask yourself and act upon so that you can begin to get "un-stuck."

Learn to rest, not to quit on yourself. Whatever you're feeling is temporary and eventually you'll look back at the lesson it has taught you or how much stronger it has made you.

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